Rector's Message on the Feast of Corpus Christi

Today, on the Feast of Corpus Christi, Pope Francis reminded us that “in the Eucharist, Jesus, as he did with the disciples of Emmaus, accompanies us, pilgrims, in order to nourish faith, hope and charity in us; to comfort us in trials; to support us in our commitment to justice and peace. This solidarity, the Pope said, is everywhere. Feeding on Jesus in the Eucharist, the Holy Father continued, also means abandoning ourselves with confidence and letting ourselves be led by Him.”
Even as we come to end of our retreat, in which we surely had the Lord giving of himself to us very intimately, at the beginning of this academic year, let us abandon ourselves unto Him and allow Him to lead us on every step of our journey. The Holy Father has reminded us that this solidarity between us and Jesus is paramount if we are to journey successfully. May our Eucharistic celebrations throughout this year be constant reminders to us of the love of the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
Fr. Aniceto PEREIRA