Group Recollection 2022
On 2nd of February, (Feast of the Presentation of the Lord Jesus in the temple) at the stroke of 2.00 pm, the community at St. Pius X seminary went into silent and reflective mode for a day. As the Holy Father Pope Francis, has called for a ‘Synod on Synodality’, we at the seminary also wanted to participate in it and before we say something we wanted to reflect and pray on it. Therefore, each one of us gathered in our respective moderator groups for a ‘group recollection’. The groups made the best use of different locations within the seminary premises for rosary, adoration, Holy mass, meditation, lauds and vespers. Fr. Gilbert’s group had rosary in front of Mother Mary’s statue 1st floor and the next day discussion in lecture room 5. Andrenalines (Fr. Andrew’s group) also made use of the AV room, main sacristy for prayers and CSP hall for discussion. Anthonites (Fr. Anthony’s group) had the prayers and discussion in lecture room 3, and for the rosary they used the terrace. Ben 10s (Fr. Benhur’s group) gathered to pray in 3rd floor chapel and used lecture room 1 for discussion. Gavinators (Fr. Gavin’s group) used the natural surrounding near Grotto and 4th floor chapel. Jonny Walkers (Fr. John Barretto’s group) prayed and discussed in Lima Hall and the terrace. Some groups viewed spiritual videos. The brothers indeed had a fruitful recollection where they not only had time to pray but also participated meaningfully in the discussions by expressing their opinions freely on the questions posed in the preparatory document of the Synod on Synodality.
Br. Angelo Carlos Silveira
1st year Philosophy.