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About us

Our Patrons

Oswald Cardinal Gracias
Bishop Percival Fernandez
Bishop Dominic Savio Fernandes
Bishop Bosco Penha

Four pillars of formation

In keeping with the guidelines in the Encyclical of Pope John Paul II (Pastores Dabo Vobis, March, 1992) and the Charter of Priestly Formation in India, (Revised 2004), our seminary formation has four integral dimensions: Human, Spiritual, Academic and Pastoral. Focusing mainly on resident seminarians, human and spiritual formation strive to facilitate the development of qualities such as sincerity, honesty, love for the truth, inner freedom and responsibility, respect for persons, compassion, care, interpersonal and animation skills and servant leadership. More specifically, spiritual formation aims to assist each candidate to dispose himself to the work of the Holy Spirit and grow in deep communion with Jesus through faithful meditation on the Word of God and full participation in the sacraments. This prepares him for preaching and the sacramental ministry. Development of interior self discipline, a spirit of sacrifice and acceptance of the cross, and a communitarian spirituality are also part of spiritual formation. The Seminary also provides an elaborate academic program of courses in the human sciences, philosophy and theology as well as a graded and wide ranging pastoral skills training program to prepare our seminarians and all our other students for their future ministries, services and leadership functions. In this manner we hope to live up to our God given and church entrusted mission of educating Priests, Deacons and Laity for twenty first century India.

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