Fr. John Barretto (Moderator)
The candidates in their first year of Seminary formation are accorded more special attention and care. They have a program that differs from that of the rest of the students in the Seminary. It comprises of a wide range of courses in spirituality, introductions to Scripture and theology, sociology, psychology, personality development, language and many more. Besides, they also have field trips – cultural exposure, mission exposure, service to the sick and aged and a living out together and spiritual exercises – personal prayer, community prayer, recollections and a retreat. Games and physical work are very much part of their schedule.
The number of new entrants varies from year to year with six as the minimum and eighteen as the maximum. They are housed away from the main community under the care of a Moderator who resides with them. They share responsibilities running their residence – prayer, cleaning and maintenance, cooking dinner, purchases, accounts etc. Their togetherness in prayer, studies, discussions, personal sharings and the many such activities facilitate brotherly bonds, holistically personal growth in self awareness, sensitivity and respect for one another, deeper understanding, concern and brotherly love among themselves and also a closer relationship with God and enhanced vision of the priesthood of Christ and service to his Church.
Paschal Mystery
(20 lectures)
Fr Wilfred D’Souza SDB
Human Sexuality
(15 lectures)
Dr Enid Prabhu
The Body: Medium of Worship
(30 lectures)
Ms Juliet D’Souza
Indian Social Reality
(20 lectures)
Bp Allwyn D’Silva
World of Books
(20 lectures)
Fr John Barretto
(every Thursday)