Welcome to
St Pius X
“We are Ambassadors for Christ”

As disciples and witnesses who represent Christ, priests are expected to be of the same mind, heart and spirit of Jesus Christ, imbued with his vision of the ‘Kingdom of God’ proclaimed in word and deed. Ideally, their lives would reflect the core values of God’s Kingdom: Love, Justice, Peace and Joy for all His children. Our principal mission is the integral formation of future priests and lay collaborators for ministries of service and community animation. Toward this end, we schedule and run spiritual, academic, pastoral and interpersonal skills training programs. We also endeavour to foster a suitable community atmosphere of personal freedom with responsibility, human and spiritual maturity, and most of all genuine Christian faith, hope and love, flowing into selfless, generous and dedicated service both in the Church and in society at large. In sum, we strive toward the ideal of our Seminary as a home and school of human, Christian and priestly formation.