Bombay Brothers Outing
The long-standing tradition of an annual outing for the Bombay Seminarians was eagerly awaited and took place on the 5th and 6th of January,2018 at St. Mary’s Villa, Khandala. The scenic beauty of Khandala was the perfect destination for relaxation, fun and community building.
The primary aim of the outing was to foster community spirit and enhance bonding among the brothers and this was achieved through the trekking, singing, dancing, and games. This occasion of fellowship among brothers was graced with the presence of three beloved priests – Fr. K.T. Emmanuel, Fr. J.M. Feliu and Fr. Aniceto Pereira (Rector).
The outing had a great balance between enjoyment and learning. A session was conducted by Fr. K.T. Emmanuel on the need for community spirit, behaviors that enhance or hamper community life. Fr. Aniceto conducted a session on understanding the person of Cardinal Oswald Gracious and our role as a diocesan priests in the Archdiocese of Bombay. Both the sessions were well received and truly appreciated by all the brothers.
The short outing was a great start to the year and it spiritually rejuvenated the brothers with the Eucharistic celebration that helped us to understand the communitarian aspect of life. We look forward to the next outing while cherishing sweet memories of the one we thoroughly enjoyed this year.
Br. Kelvin Santis
Second Year Theology