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Acceptance of Candidates for Holy Orders

25th January, 2018 was a significant day for the St. Pius X community. On the solemn occasion of the Feast of the Conversion of St. Paul, the Eucharist was celebrated by His Lordship, Bishop Bosco Penha, where 6 brothers from 3rd Year of Theology were accepted as Candidates for Ordination as Deacons and Priests. While these brothers are preparing themselves to be admitted into the Holy Orders, 7 brothers from 2nd Year of Theology were also instituted with the Minor Orders of Acolytes.

Congratulations to all these brothers! May St. Paul, who"met" Jesus very definitively on the way to Damascus, inspire you to strive to meet the Lord who will groom you on every remaining step of your way towards ordination.

Brothers accepted as Candidates for ordination as Deacons and Priests

Front Row (L-R): Br. Sachin Muntode (Nashik), Br. Leon Viegas (Bombay), Br. Sahaya Wilson (Kottar)

Middle Row (L-R): Br. Ashwin Castellino (Bombay), Br. Omar Fernandes (Bombay), Br. Renold D'Souza (Bombay)

Back Row (L-R): Fr. Jervis D'Souza, Bp. Bosco Penha, Fr. Aniceto Pereira

Brothers instituted as Acolytes 

Front Row (L-R): Br. Cliffton Mendonca (Bombay), Br. Edward Selvan (Belgaum), Br. Steevan Coutinho (Mangalore)

Middle Row (L-R): Br. Kelvin Santis (Bombay), Br. Joseph David (Bombay), Br. Godfrey Malu (Bombay), Br. Cedric Rosario (Bombay

Back Row (L-R): Fr. Jervis D'Souza, Bp. Bosco Penha, Fr. Aniceto Pereira

Here are testimonials of the Candidates to Holy Orders, recounting their experience on this very special day.

"To be admitted to the Candidacy for the Sacred Orders is a confirmation that Christ by his love continues to draw me closer to himself and his Church. If it was not for His Love I would have never reached to this day. May He who has begun the good work in me bring it to its fulfillment."

~ Br. Renold D'Souza

"The seriousness and the gravity of the responsibility bestowed upon me by the Church was realized at the time on the reception of the Minor Orders and even more so now as being accepted as a Candidate for the Diaconate and the Priesthood. It is indeed a very joyful feeling to have gained the approval of the staff to be a worthy candidate for the reception of Holy Orders. Having the St. Pius X community to pray for us and accompany us as we reach closer to the Altar of Christ gives me great strength and zeal to continue to serve Jesus."

~ Br. Omar Fernandes

"It was indeed a graceful moment to be accepted as a Candidate for Ordination to the Diaconate and the Priesthood. Though unworthy I am, He has chosen me to be His instrument and I feel very happy and blessed to be made aware of my commitment in being faithful to my vocation in doing God's holy will."

~ Br. Sachin Muntode

"My acceptance as a Candidate for Ordination to the Diaconate and Priesthood, has brought me great joy and a deeper sense of commitment and hope as I prepare for the priesthood. The investiture with the Cassock brought about a sense of identity and responsibility towards my vocation. I thank God for this beautiful milestone in my journey towards the priesthood."

~ Br Ashwin Castellino

"To be accepted as a Candidate to Holy Orders has given me an immense joy in my heart. I could feel God's presence in my life and His guidance always in these years of formation. This occasion reminds me that I am reaching towards God's altar and it makes me to humble myself to work for the people as Jesus Christ humbled Himself for us." ~ Br. Sahaya Wilson

"I was going through mixed feelings as we were admitted to the candidacy for the Sacred Orders. There was joy, excitement as well as the reality of the big responsibility of accepting this beautiful call to the Priesthood. A renewed sense of grace that the Lord is with me and preparing me to serve Him and His people. I'm sure that the Lord who has begun His work in us will bring it to completion. I thank Fr. Rector Aniceto Pereira for the meaningful prayer service on the eve of our acceptance and for vesting us with the Cassock. I thank Bp. Bosco Penha who celebrated the Mass and reminded us of the need of a personal relationship with Jesus. A special thanks to all our Formators and Professors who have been a constant support to us."

~ Br. Leon Viegas

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