Deacons Visit Senior Priests at Clergy Home
Exactly a month away from joining the ranks of the priesthood, the deacons of St. Pius X College visited the senior priests in the Archdiocese of Bombay at the Clergy Home in Bandra.
The visit to Clergy Home was indeed a memorable experience. It was good to know the priests who served the diocese with great zeal and dedication. They gave us good advice that is, we are Priests to be, should be loving and caring towards our people. Another important point that was stressed was that we need to keep ourselves fit and healthy only then we will be able to give our 100% to our ministry and the people of God.
Deacon Joseph expressed his experience in the following words.
"We were touched and inspired by the personal testimonies of our priests about their pastoral ministry in the parishes they served. They encouraged and motivated us to always remain positive, committed, dedicated and spiritual in the ministry even as we are about to embark on the journey of priesthood. And that no matter what challenges and circumstances come our way, we must never give up on our priesthood, because it is a beautiful vocation given to us by God.
We also want to thank our dear Rector, Fr. Aniceto Pereira who accompanied us and introduced us to each and every priest as they gave us their blessings and best wishes. It was indeed a wonderful experience to interact with the senior most priests who are a treasury of wisdom for the Archdiocese of Bombay."
Fr. Aniceto PEREIRA