Advent Recollection, 14th December, 2023
The birth of Christ marks a new beginning for all of us. Christmas thus becomes a time for revival of hope, peace, and love for renewal of life. In preparation for Christmas a recollection was conducted by Fr Arun Lobo SJ (A Bombay Jesuit) who emphasized on how the advent Wreath & candles represent Light and darkness. The candles symbolise the light of Christ coming into this world. He focused on how one can contribute in helping ourselves in bringing back the spirit of Christmas, keeping in mind that the season is more of giving than of receiving. The white candle on the wreath reminds us of mystery of the incarnation of Christ, which is the heart of the Christmas season. Let us prepare ourselves rejoicing as we soon approach the (Gaudete Sunday, 17 th Dec). The day concluded with the celebration of the Eucharist, during which we were told not to forget this Christmas “If I Can be an Angel to someone”.
Br Edward Francis
2nd Year Philosophy