Prayer Service for the Candidates to be Ordained – 15th March, 2024
The atmosphere in the seminary chapel was filled with anticipation and reverence as seminarians, faculty members, and family members gathered for the prayer service for the deacons to be ordained. Deacons, adorned in their vestments, entered the chapel in procession along with the rector of the seminary, Fr. Aniceto. The community came together in prayer as ten deacons, the chosen servants of God, embarked on their journey of service to the Church and the world. The prayer service was led by third-year theologians in the beautifully decorated chapel, with each detail chosen to reflect the theme, 'the wounded healer'. After the thanksgiving prayer and the intercessory prayer for the deacons, the rector addressed the deacons, reminding them of the two most important duties of their life: to be close to Jesus, especially by celebrating the Eucharist, and to be close to the people of God. With hearts open to the healing touch of Jesus, the deacons prepared themselves to embrace their role as wounded healers, vessels of God's love and mercy in a broken world.
Br Joywin Thadavious
2nd Year Philosophy