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Called to Serve - Rite of Admission to the Candidacy for the Diaconate and Priesthood

On 13th February, 2021, 3rd Year Theologians from various diocese across the country were received as candidates to the Diaconate and Priesthood with the Rite of Admission to Candidacy. The Eucharist was celebrated by Bishop Emeritus Percival Fernandez, in the main chapel of St Pius X Seminary.

The nine seminarians were presented by the Rector, Rev. Fr Aniceto Pereira to His Lordship Bp. Percival, who accepted them in the name of the Church. Later in the homily, Bp. Percy spoke about the need to be always available to those in need just like Our Lord was always there when the people needed him. He also stressed on the importance of prayer in the life of a seminarian and a Priest, as it is in prayer that he can find consolation and the strength to carry on his duties, and it is in prayer that he can become one with Christ.

The nine seminarians were from eight different dioceses, including two from the Archdiocese of Bombay. As these Brothers prepare themselves for saying the final Yes to the vocation that God has called them to, let us remember them in our prayers.

Br. Dorson D D'mello

2nd Year Philosophy


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