Monthly Recollection and Reconciliation- 03rd August, 2023
In preparation for the feast of St. John Vianney, patron of the pastoral clergy, the St. Pius X community had their first monthly recollection of this academic year led by Fr. Pravin D’Souza. This recollection was themed ‘The Priest: A Shepherd after God’s Own Heart." The speaker began the recollection by reminding us of the trinitarian foundation of the priesthood. In Trinitarian reality lies the full meaning of the vocation and mission of the priestly ministry. The pastoral function requires a mature pastoral conscience on the part of priests, founded on their identity as men who are ‘consecrated to preach the gospel, shepherd the faithful, and celebrate divine worship’. Father also emphasized that Spirituality is rooted in a person’s basic attitude towards life, the whole of life, and not simply the cultic dimension of life. The speaker also brought out the characteristics of the spirituality of a priest, pointing out the importance of devotion to Mother Mary. The recollection ended with the celebration of Holy Communion.
Deekshith Sandyag
2nd Year Philosophy