New Workers in the Vineyard of the Lord - Inaugural Prayer Service for Propaedeutic Year 2020-2021
3rd September, 2020 was a joyful day for the family of St Pius X Seminary as eight young men were accepted as its newest members for the Propaedeutic Year at the Seminary. Of those who joined, there were six who joined for the Archdiocese of Bombay and two for the Diocese of Mysore. Due to the prevalent pandemic situation, the welcoming of the candidates was done online with their families and the St Pius X community participating in the virtual Prayer Service.
The Prayer Service was conducted by Fr. Prashant Padu, the Director of the Propaedeutic Year and the seminarians. It emphasized the call of Jesus to the first disciples “Come and See” as this was the same invitation that Jesus had now extended to these young men, to be with him and become like him, His Ambassadors to the human race. The first disciples answered the call of Christ without fully understanding the implications of their action. These young men too have been asked to answer a call where they do not yet know the end. One is asked to trust in Christ and his plans and surrender oneself to the providence of God, for God will work great miracles through their submission.
After the Prayer Service, our Rector, Fr. Aniceto Pereira, formally welcomed the eight young men and their families. He thanked the men for responding positively to Christ’s call to leave the world and begin a new chapter, a new life through Christ, with Christ and in Christ. He especially thanked the parents and families of the candidates for having willingly offered their sons for answering and doing the work of God. While there would be sadness on the departure from home of a dear one, the sadness would certainly be forgotten and would not mean much, when after the years of formation they would again offer their dear son on the altar and this time it would be for him to be ordained as Priest to minister to God’s people.
We warmly welcome the eight newest members to the family of St Pius X Seminary and look forward to meeting them in person as together we journey to the fulfillment of the vocation Our Lord has put in our hearts. Amidst all the sadness and confusion that has engulfed the world, it is truly encouraging to see that there are yet young men ready to answer the call of the Master and thus, we can say with confidence, ‘Digitus Dei est hic’ (The finger of God is here).
Br. Dorson D. D’Mello
2nd year Philosophy