Prayer Service for Deacon Santan- 05th January, 2024
The St Pius X Community came together for a prayer service, praying for Deacon Santan, as he prepares for his sacerdotal ordination on 7th January 2024. Being the first Friday of the month of January, we had our regular Holy Hour, during which we incorporated the prayer service. It was conducted by the third-year Theologians. Deacon Santan was the presider for the exposition of the Blessed Sacrament and Benediction. The first part comprised a prayer thanking the Lord for the year gone by, and asking for his blessings for the New Year. The second half of the adoration comprised intercession for Dn Santan with prayer and intercession, as he will be ordained a priest coming Sunday. Fr Aniceto addressed the assembly and shared a few words, highlighting the duties of a priest and his calling to be near the people of God. The adoration came to a close with Dn Santan giving the final Eucharistic blessing.
Br Jeston
Propaedeutic Year