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Spiritual Conference: Faith in the midst of Crises

‘Crises’ is something that most of us have come face to face with in the past few months since the Covid-19 pandemic began and in many instances these crises have challenged the faith of many. Hence it was very apt to have a Spiritual Conference on having faith in the midst of a crises. This Spiritual Conference was taken by Fr Vincent Vaz SJ.

Fr. Vincent laid bare the sudden panic and challenges that ensued in the lives of people due to the unexpected and unplanned situations that have arisen. The virus killed people but many more were killed because of fear. These unexpected turn of events in life, resulted in people also facing a crisis of faith as they were not able to access the church and sacraments. These were also a time where we could follow the commandment of Our Lord, ‘Love God and love your neighbour’. He focused on the 3 C’s that are important to maintain faith in the time of crises; namely:

Communication – Through communication we are able to recognize the need of people and what they have gone through. It is also through communication that we can bring about healing and bonding. Jesus himself is a perfect example of bringing healing and hope to people through communication.

Collaboration – Through collaboration with others we are able to cater and extend help to many more people in need in a much more effective manner.

Community – A strong sense of community helps in recognizing those in need and also in networking and distribution of the material assistance required. Belonging to a community also assists in fostering a sense of hope and togetherness.

He went on to describe how these factors have proved to be of great worth in recent times and the various steps and measures taken to provide spiritual, social and material needs of the people. As Priests, religious and seminarians, we are called not just to love God but to translate this love of God into love for neighbour through our actions and words. We are called to be beacons of hope and the light and salt of the world in this world that has become bereft of love and self-centred.

Take your Bible and take your newspaper, and read both. But interpret newspapers from your Bible - Karl Barth

Br. Dorson D. D'Mello

2nd Year Philosophy



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