The Mass of the Holy Spirit and Lectio Brevis – 2022-2023
‘The Spirit forms us to be fully Human and fully Alive’ – this was the theme chosen for the Mass of the Holy Spirit on 18th June, 2022, the eve of the Solemnity of the feast of Corpus Christi, to mark the commencement of the new academic year 2022-2023 at St Pius X Seminary. The mass was celebrated by His Eminence Cardinal Oswald Gracias and concelebrated by the priests of the seminary. In his sermon the Cardinal spoke on the importance of the seminary formation in the life of a future priest . He highlighted how through the guidance of the Holy Spirit the seminary formation focuses on the four pillars of human, spiritual, pastoral and academic life of each seminarian. The seminary formation has been made in such a manner that it is in line with the changing needs of the times and as per the Pastores Dabo Vobis by St Pope John Paul II and the Charter for Priestly Formation in India. He emphasized how priests need to have a life centered on the Eucharist and the priest needs to have a heart for the Eucharist and the poor. The homily was followed by the Oath of Office taken by the Rector and the staff promising fidelity to the teachings of Christ, His Church and it’s Magisterium. A pledge was then taken by the students to remain faithful to the Gospel values. At the end of the mass the Prefect of the community thanked His Eminence for his patronage and constant paternal support to the Seminary. The Commencement program also included the Lectio Brevis given by Mr Agnelo Menezes, the former principal of St Xaviers College and a much sought out speaker and guest lecturer. The Mr Menezes spoke on ‘Leveraging Fratelli Tutti to Navigate India of Today’. Using the chapter Dark clouds over a closed world from Fratelli Tutti. He pointed out about the dangers and degradation modern society has plunged into with particular harmful agendas being promoted and forced onto people that has devalued human life, morals and creation. He pointed out how the Pope wants to address social fractures taking place at various places in society and how the current geo-political system the world over is becoming a self centered polity. The current society is blind to the poor and the marginalized and those on the fringes of society. However Fratelli Tutti teaches us how to navigate real life situations by adopting and adapting Jesus’ counsels. He ended the talk with exhorting all present to be Responsible, Responsive and Respectful and to ‘have a heart in our heads’. The program for the day ended with His Eminence Cardinal Oswald Gracias meeting the seminarians and welcoming the 15 new seminarians who have joined the St Pius X family this year.
Br Dorson D. D’Mello
1 st Year Theology