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Vestition and the rite of admission to Candidacy for the Diaconate and Presbyterate

“You are a chosen people, royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light.” 1 Pet 2:9.

16 October, 2021 marks a joyful day in St Pius family. Today years’ desire of our Eleven Brothers come true while receiving the Candidacy. Abhilash, Allwin Christaraj, Amol Thopelya, Anthony Naveen, Charles Periyanayagam, Dylan D’Souza, Glenn Saldanha, John Serrao, Jordan Govind, Libin Raj and Sunil Godinho. These brothers who witnessed the call of God in their lives to serve the people, now move a step ahead to reach the altar to break the body and the word of Christ to the world.

“I appoint you, Go bear fruit in plenty” was theme chosen for the celebration of the Holy Eucharist. The day began with the lauds in the Morning and followed by the Holy Eucharist, presided by Bishop Percival Fernandez, and concelebrated by the Staff of St Pius family. The first reading of today’s Eucharist Celebration reminded the promise of God to Abraham, which is very apt and fits in today’s celebration and in the Gospel reading today Jesus Christ asked everyone to be faithful to the call. In the homily Bishop Percival narrated the life incident of famous musician and a theologian, who helped an old woman to climb the hill, inviting all the candidates to become like Christ in carrying the burdens of others, thus, Bishop made them to understand the call to serve others in sharing their sufferings for the sake of Christ. After the short homily Rector Fr. Aniceto Pereira, introduced the Candidates to Bishop, and he asked the Brothers for their willingness to serve God and His Church. They affirmed their desire, and Bishop prayed and blessed them. Then the offertory hymn was sung by the choir, and all the brothers faithfully participated in the Breaking of the Bread. After the Post communion Prayer Br. Libin Raj one of the Candidates on behalf of fellow brothers presented his deep thanks to God, to Bishop Percival, to Rector and to all the staff and brothers.

While wishing all those who have received the Candidacy, we also assure our payers as they journey towards the altar, let their faith grow stronger and stronger to witness Christ in their everyday life in every aspect, loving and caring everyone as Christ.

Br. David Sagaya Raj S

II year Theology

Following is a link to a video that explains the origins, the liturgy and the Canon law understanding about the rite. It also explains what vestition is all about.


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