Rector's Advent Message 2017
Let us all usher in our New Liturgical Year with a grace-filled entry into the Advent Season, with the rich meditation on God’s Word that it offers us.
Let us also make this season even more special by embracing the traditional Advent Campaign of our Archdiocese. As His Eminence urges us in his Advent Message:
"Every year, the Advent Campaign Against Hunger And Disease organized by the Centre for Social Action of the Archdiocese of Bombay, seeks to offer all people of goodwill avenues for translating our noble intentions into concrete acts of love and concern for the poor. This year we are focusing on Enhancing Livelihoods so that our vulnerable brothers and sisters may have a sustainable income. This involves giving them the appropriate skills, linking them with markets, and providing support structures like access to credit and insurance. We also provide training to vulnerable youth in soft skills as well as certain domain skills to enhance their employability."

May a celebration of Advent, made significant by a profound engagement to enhance livelihoods inspired by Blessed Oscar Romero, lead us to the fullness of Christmas joy!

Fr. Aniceto PEREIRA